Thursday, February 18, 2016


So today is going to be a short entry as I am just not feeling that great.

Do you know how to find information on the internet? It is amazing how many people in many of the support groups on Facebook take for granted what a website might tell them without seeing what research there is to back the claims made on these sites. This is one reason why many Doctors cringe when they hear “I read on a site that this product would work for my diagnosis.”

I have never been one to take at face value what someone has posted, even if they have their own site. I do my own research, even using google scholar to look through peer reviewed article. Many don’t understand or know this concept of peer reviewed so let me break it down to you. Peer reviewed is work that has been reviewed by others within the same field. This is the type of work that if you print it off and take with you to your doctor’s office you are more likely to get them to listen and try things that they may not be familiar with. Of course I usually make sure I have five or more articles that support what I am trying to suggest to my doctor. You will notice in my last post I did add in references, and research. I do this for a number of reasons. Anyone can say anything, but when they have the research to back them, it makes their claims more valid both to others and professionals.

I leave you with this, next time someone suggests something to take be sure to do research into said product by looking for peer reviewed articles. Also remember that sometimes if a company does their own research they may be looking or fudging results in favor of their product (many weight loss products do this in order to claim it has been found in research to work) so try to find an outside study not connected with the product.

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