Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Reason for this Blog

So I had this thought, life is hard, damn hard, and what I currently am doing is not working. What if others are like this too and don't know where to turn or what to do? Maybe by starting this blog I can touch the lives of others and find relief in my own life....After all research shows that writing things out can help in expressing how we feel, remove some of the stress we feel, and even help us to realize things that we may have been over looking about ourselves.

At this point you might be saying and, so what is this all about. In a nutshell, my life. No I am not some superstar, model, or grand theorist. I am however a wife, daughter, student, caregiver, and a woman. Hmm and why would I put woman last, because some days I just don't feel like much of a woman. You see I have PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). And so right, well let me break it down to you. This has caused me to grow hair in areas that a woman should not, and I'm not talking about peach fuse or a stray strand here or there. I'm talking about full on manly hair complete with beard and mustache. If this wasn't enough, I have fertility issues and have yet to be able to have a child. So I'm 37 no child, facial and body hair like a man, married to my loving husband for over 10 years, and am struggling with life at the moment.

Needless to say over the course of doing this blog I will post about things I struggle with, research, and encounter in life.